Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Still Alive and Cooking

Early in the summer, I wrote here about my typical failure to do much cooking in the summer -- and fell into the same trap as usual. I did SOME cooking, and even a couple of semi-interesting things, like carrot-green chimichurri sauce and some accidental pozole. But, mostly I didn't cook.

I do see to be gearing up again, though. I hope to have my first try at home made pasta soon, inspired by my friend Karen. And my accidental pozole was yummy enough that I'd like to do it on purpose. I'm mulling other things as well, such as another showdown with my old nemesis cooked sugar. (Maybe I should make a show about doing that in a motor home and call it 'Breaking Brittle'. Or not.)

We'll see what comes out of my Beginner's Skillet.


  1. I can't wait to read about more of your culinary adventures, my friend! :)
