Looking over my work thus far, it occurs to me that a reader might well wonder why a cooking blog would contain so few recipes.
First, I'm not comfortable reprinting published recipes. Selling access to recipes is how cookbook authors make their money. If I got the recipe online I'll provide a link, and I provide title and author for recipes taken from books. I may also sometimes provide an overview of a recipe.
Second, when I cook something I've thought of myself, I often don't know precisely what I did or exact amounts of ingredients. I really ought to jot stuff down as I work, which would help me not only as a blogger but in working on making a recipe better or to be able to reproduce something that really worked. But, I've yet to start doing that.
So, I'm afraid you won't find many formal recipes here. However, I hope I provide enough information to enable you to more or less follow my tracks, should you want to.
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