Friday, December 23, 2011

A Cutlet Above the Rest

Unless I'm doing Big Protein (such as a roast), I prefer to do most of my meat on the stovetop rather than the oven. Watching a cooking show recently, I saw the host make "chicken cutlets" by slicing breasts horizontally. This produces two pieces that will not only cook more quickly but also more evenly.

The show host accomplished this by laying the breast flat on a cutting board. She put her non-knife-holding hand on top of the meat to steady it, and made a cut through the meat parallel to the cutting board. This should be done carefully, both to produce reasonably even slices and to avoid cutting yourself. The pictures here show a slightly different method of doing it, but should help you get the idea.

Chicken cutlets can also be made by placing the breast between two pieces of plastic wrap or wax paper and pounding it thin. I've done this, but found the horizontal slicing to be easier and gave better results for me.

Despite my concern that my rudimentary knife skills, I decided to give it a try.  I was quite pleased - it was easier to make the cut than I expected, and the resulting cuts cooked up quite satisfactorily.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you're getting so adventurous with your cooking & learning so many new skills. Here's hoping one day I get to taste the fruits of your labor. :D
