Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Beginner's Notebook: Still Life With Avocado

OK, here's what you're going to do. Next time you go grocery shopping, you're going to take a quick peek in your refrigerator to make sure you have a little lemon juice or a fresh lemon. (I think lime juice would also work.) Then, when you get to the store, you'll go to the produce section and check out the avocados.

The avocado you want is ripe but not overly so. If you're new to this, the one you want will give a bit to gentle pressure but not feel squishy. (GENTLE pressure - no need to harm anything.) For this application, a little squishy is okay.

When you get home with your prize, you're going to cut it in half lengthwise, working around the large pit in the middle. You'll then rotate one half against the other, and one of the two halves will be freed from the pit.

There are a number of suggested methods for removing the pit from the other half, most of which have the potential for serious injury. I sometimes use one of those, but often I just work around the with a spoon. (I deal with more avocados than most home cooks, I'd guess. Two - and now three - of my favorite things to make include them. See here and here.)

Next, put your avocado halves on a plate. Salt them and drizzle them with lemon juice. Then just eat those suckers, scooping bites out with a spoon.

I did this for the first time 20 minutes ago, and that first bite was A Moment. The tartness of the juice perfectly balanced the unctuousness of the avocado, one of those great combinations of acid and oil. (Think salad dressings, or pickles on cheeseburgers, or ketchup on french fries.)

If I had a rating scale for how much I wanted you to try something, this would be WAY up there.

You could argue that this isn't even cooking. Fine. But it is most certainly eating.


  1. This is something I don't buy often because hubby won't eat them. I like them as guacamole, but just by themselves they are rather bland to me.

  2. Oh, the avocado is near and dear to my heart! I've been eating them a lot lately, mostly added to a sandwich. I haven't eaten one straight out of the skin in ages! That's now on my list of things to do.

    Yes, avocado is a fat, but it's a good fat!

  3. I am not a fan of the avocado. I might try this if I knew for sure I had someone who would finish it off if I couldn't. :)

  4. But what if I don't LIKE avocado? ;)

  5. That makes my mouth water. The idea of it, yes, but even more so the way you wrote it. Foodie magazine worthy for sure!
